Thursday, February 10, 2011

Miss the Promotion Thread on Etsy?

Do you miss the old forums on Etsy?  Well a web site known as "Unofficial Etsy Forums".  They have numerous topics to post under similiar to the old etsy forum topics.  I especially like that they have a Promotion thread where you can list new items, your blog, sales etc. 

I used to post in the Promotion thread whenever I added a new item.  Miss looking at  the sales and items being added all the time.  The nice thing about the promotion thread a buyer does not have to look under every team to find what they might be interested.  Not every buyer will check each team.  Posting a new item on your team probably will not generate a buyer (which is really the object) because they make the same things.

This new place to post has the old format promotion thread.  Here's the link

So whether you are a buyer or seller take a look at the unofficial Etsy Forums.  Hope it is very successful.

As you can see I don't usually have a lot of time, and haven't blogged in a long time but thought this might be helpful.

Also there is an Etsy Member that recently had a tragedy--Here's the link to the information

I have added both links to my tweeter, thank you to the people whom started this site.

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I just retired from the communications department in an airport and am enjoying it.